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Özgün Başlık
Galata Köprüleri ve Yeni Galata Köprüsü

İbrahim Özen

Dergi Adı
İTÜ Dergisi D : Mühendislik

Ağustos 2011, Cilt 10, Sayı 4, ss. 35-46

Anahtar Kelimeler
Galata Köprüleri ; öngerilmeli betonarme tabliye ; kazık yükleme deneyi ; koruyucu mahmuz

İstanbul'un vazgeçilmez simgelerinden olan Galata Köprüleri Bizans zamanından bu yana şehrin sosyal yaşantısına da hakim olan noktalardan biridir. Bir Mühendislik dergisine yazılan bir yazıya böyle başlamak belki şaşırtıcı gelecek ama özellikle son dönem Galata Köprüleri sadece bir geçiş mekanı değil şehrin sosyal yaşantısına da katılan adeta yaşayan yapılardır. Bu yönü ile dünyada örneğine rastlamanız da pek mümkün değildir. Yeni Galata Köprüsü için dönemin Karayolları Genel Müdürü şöyle yazmıştır ; “Galata Köprüsü birçok yönleriyle köprüler tarihinde önemli bir yer tutacak bir eserdir. Temel şartları, açılan kısımlar, kara ile bağlantıları, meydan düzenlemeleri hepsi çözümü gerektiren çok önemli teknik problemler ortaya çıkarmıştır. Ama, müteahhit, mühendis ve idarede görev alan mühendislerimiz bu sorunları çözerek projeyi başarı ile yürütmektedirler. Eser tamamlanınca Türk mühendisliğinin göğüs kabartıcı başarısı olacaktır.” Bu sunumda Yeni Galata Köprüsü Projesi, kısa bir tarihçeyi takiben, ihale aşaması ve ana yapıları açısından özet olarak tanıtılmaya çalışılacaktır. İhalenin parçası olan Eminönü ve Karaköy meydanlarında yapımı tamamlanan vasıta ve yaya altgeçitleri, çarşılar ve meydan düzenlemeleri bu sunuş kapsamına alınmamıştır. Öte yandan gerek projelendirme safhaları, gerek her bir yapısının inşa yöntemleri, gerek mukavelevi süreçleri ve medyaya akseden yönleri ile herbiri ayrı bir çalışma konusu olabilecek olan Yeni Galata Köprüsü Kabulünün yapıldığı Haziran 1992'den beri fotoğrafları çekilmiş, makaleleri, şiirleri yazılmış eski Galata köprülerinden hiçbir yönde aşağı kalmaksızın hizmetini sürdürmektedir.

Başlık (Yabancı Dil)
Galata Bridges and the New Galata Bridge

Anahtar Kelimeler (Yabancı Dil)
Galata bridges ; prestressed concrete deck ; pile load test ; cutwater

Özet (Yabancı Dil)
Galata Bridges, being an unforgettable symbol of Istanbul, have always been one of the prevalent points of the social life in the city from Byzantine times up to today. It may be a little bit strange to start an article, written for an engineering periodical, with such an introduction but, especially the recent period Galata bridges are not only passage ways but also living structures playing important roles in the social life of the city. Considering this speciality of the Galata bridges, you cannot find any other example in the world. First of all, the New Galata Bridge has been the fourth and considering the wooden bridge of 1863, even the fifth bridge constructed in the Golden horn. Secondly, the New Galata Bridge is the third steel bridge with an opening at the middle part for marine traffic. General Manager of the General Directorate of Highways of that period had written for the New Galata Bridge ; “Galata Bridge is an important piece of art in the history of bridges in various ways. Foundation conditions, opening-closing sections, abutments, arrangements in the squares have always created problems which necessitating the special technical solutions. However our Contractor, Engineer and the Administration's engineers are successfully executing the project by solving such technical problems. When their piece of art is completed, it will be the honor of Turkish Engineering.” A protocol has been signed between the owner Istanbul Municipality and Contractor Highways 17th Division Directorate on 17.03.1982, authorizing Highways 17th Division Directorate as the responsible authority to have the New Galata Bridge and Eminönü and Karaköy Squares constructed in the name of Istanbul Municipality. All the feasibility, tender preparation, engineering and supervision services has been carried by 17th Division Directorate and his Consultant. For the preparation of Tender Documents the relevant laws as well as the specifications of General Directorate of Highways and FIDIC were taken as a basis. Tender was also opened to Alternative Proposals and another condition was imposed for the Contractors to provide foreign loans for the finance of the Project together with their proposals. Following the evaluation of the proposals the Construction Contract has been signed by the consortium established between Sezai Türkeş Feyzi Akkaya İnşaat A.Ş. and Thyssen Engineering GmgH on 27th January 1986. Although the original tender design was for a concrete pontoon type bridge structure, the winner's alternative proposal for a pre-stressed concrete deck bridge on pile foundation with an opening type steel bascule bridge at the middle has been selected. The foreign loans brought by the consortium for the finance of the project were German Government Loans provided by German Credit Establishment KfW. In this presentation, I will try to summarize the New Galata Bridge Project with a brief history and the tender stage as well as the main structures of the bridge. The other structures such as the vehicle and pedestrian underpasses and underpass shopping areas within the scope of square arrangements, although they are the part of the tender, shall not be incorporated in this presentation. Each phases ; such as design stages, construction methods of every main structure, contractual periods, subjects taken into consideration by Turkish and international media ; each being a separate subject of research article, the New Galata Bridge is under public service from the acceptance date of June 1992 up to now, without inferior to the previous Galata Bridges which were the subject of many photographs taken, the articles and poems written in the history.